Wendy Bristow Psychotherapy
29 Waterside
44-48 Wharf Road
London N1 7UX
Tel: 07914 833352
British Psychoanalytic Council Accredited


I contribute to articles in the media about relationships, family and psychology. In the past few years I have been quoted talking about a range of subjects from whether it's ever a good idea to deliver an ultimatum to dealing with difficult relatives at Christmas in The TelegraphThe TimesDaily Mail's You magazine, The Guardian and Psychologies magazine. I have also written a piece for The Times about Prince Harry.

Here are some links to pieces:






Read Wendy Bristow's articles on therapy website www.welldoing.org by clicking here

Things therapy can help with:

* Unhappy relationships – especially where the same kind of thing keeps repeating
* Feeling stressed, anxious or depressed
* Lacking focus in life
* Feeling unable to get over a loss like bereavement or a relationship break-up
Privacy Policy
* Work problems
* Difficulties with your family
* Difficulties with self-confidence and self-esteem
* Problems with eating, drinking or your feelings about your body
* Difficulties with sex or sexuality
* Handling illness and pain